Trust Central Tips

You can access our web-based data and reporting system right now at Applications for funding are completed and submitted through Trust Central. The system also includes Contracts and SAMIS stations where agencies and organizations negotiate and funded providers submit contract documents, report programmatic data and submit reimbursements. Programs can follow their progress using Program Metrics.

The following information and resources are available to help you navigate the system:

Accessing Trust Central

All stations in Trust Central are accessible with a single login. New users for existing agencies may be redirected to their agency administrator for an account.

Trust Central Troubleshooting

Video resources for navigating Trust Central are available on The Children’s Trust Provider Support Channel on YouTube. Please note that these and our other available self-service videos provide the quickest answers to the most common Trust Central issues experienced by users.

Help Desk

Our help desk is accessible via email only at; we’ll make every effort to respond to your request within two business days. However, please keep in mind that an increased number of inquiries may occur as a result of system transitions, and as key due dates approach.